The ABC’S of Starting a Business
A. Location
When starting a business, one must consider the best possible location. There are various locations available throughout the San Juan area that are prime locations for your next business venture.
B. Regulations
When considering a location for your business, be aware that there will be various regulations to abide by. Regulations vary from city ordinances, taxes, or zoning.
The San Juan EDC offers ribbon-cutting ceremonies for businesses.
San Juan EDC can inaugurate an organization’s first day of business or the business’ opening ceremony. The ceremony gives the business owner or manager a chance to say a few words to those gathered and provide insight about the business.
Hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony can get your business great exposure at no cost and receive the opportunity to introduce both the public and the city of San Juan to your business. In addition, San Juan EDC will announce your ribbon-cutting ceremony on our website and social media outlets.
For ribbon-cutting information please contact our Executive Director Benjamin Arjona at (956) 783-3448 or via email at [email protected]